Top Tips if you're heading to Deer Shed Festival in 2019

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Our first weekend of the summer holidays was at Deer Shed Festival in North Yorkshire.  We had the most amazing weekend of sun and fun and will definitely want to return next year.  I’ll share with you throughout this post things we loved but I’ll focus on some tips to help you get the most out of the weekend if you’re planning on heading to Deer Shed Festival 2022.

1. Book early for Deer Shed Festival 2022!

If you are wondering about going to Deer Shed Festival 2022 then do!  And if you have decided you’re going to Deer Shed Festival 2022 then book as soon as you can. Tickets go up in price as the year goes on.  via www.deershedfestival.com/tickets.

Top Tips if you're heading to Deer Shed Festival 2019

2. Book the Friday off work and head up early.

You don’t necessarily want to bagsy a pitch right next to the festival but it’s great to get yourself set up and head into Deer Shed Festival to get your bearings when there aren’t so many people around.

3. Book activities as soon as you get to Deer Shed Festival 2022

You need to book activities in the science tent, sports arena and in the wilderness for throughout the weekend as soon as you can. If you arrive on Friday evening decide which area to head to and focus on booking those activities. You can still have a really fab weekend without doing them (North East Family Fun did, read their post here) but mine do like to do some of the organised things.  We managed to book onto slime making, raspberry pi, marine forensics but missed out on the Minecraft VR by about 3 people.

Top Tips if you're heading to Deer Shed Festival 2019

4. Camp light

It’s a long way from the car park to the camp site at Deer Shed Festival ( although not as long as some festivals) and even with a trolley it can take twenty minutes to carry your things to your pitch. Put things in bags that the kids can carry, for example ours carried their own sleeping bag and backpack with clothes in.

5. Take a trolley

Take/hire a trolley even if you don’t have little ones. Really useful for taking chairs around with you into the festival and supplies of food and snacks and water. This may depend on the weather I guess as in the pouring down rain you may not want to be lugging it, but they are most definitely useful for taking all your things to your pitch! l

6. Choose the area you pitch your tent wisely.

Do you want to be in the middle of all the action? Do you want to be close to the toilets? Do you want to be in a quieter spot? Do you want more room around you? Chat to the site volunteers when you arrive they were really helpful and able to point us in the right direction. We chose a quieter spot, not too far from the toilets but not too close that we would hear/smell them and we chose a field where we had a little more space around us too. We didn’t want to be too close to another tent so as we could hear someone else snore!

Top Tips if you're heading to Deer Shed Festival 2019

7. Take a potty!

Mine are a good 5 years past using a potty so this was a camping purchase. The toilets within the camping area were fine during the day but between 7 and 9am and 10pm and 12am at night there was a 30 minute queue for the loo (more toilets needed Deer Shed) but the potty and toilet paper saved us from emergencies. Speaking of toilets these were great most of the weekend; Clea and usually with toilet paper but worth keeping a roll of toilet paper and some hand gel in your bag for later on in the day.

Top Tips if you're heading to Deer Shed Festival 2019

8. Go with Friends

Going with friends to a festival gives you all flexibility. Flexibility to head off to other tents or see different bands without leaving one person on their own with all the kids or feeling like you’re seeing the festival alone as you watch the kids!  It’s also a lot of fun. Persuade all your friends to book for Deer Shed Festival 2022 and make it into a brilliant weekend.

Top Tips if you're heading to Deer Shed Festival in 2019

9. Invest in a landyard

Invest in a lanyard when you get to Deer Shed Festival 2022 as it will have the weekend mapped out. You can then see easily what’s on at any particular time. We used it to have a rough idea of what we wanted to watch. Which leads me to.

10. Don’t be a slave to the programme

Use the programme to have an idea of what you want to do when to get an idea of what’s available but don’t be a slave to a programme: some of the most fun things we did we stumbled upon. The round table late one evening where the kids debated environmental issues, the empty helter skelter late one night, the Kids yoga and the scuba diver helmet making all being perfect examples.

Top Tips if you're heading to Deer Shed Festival 2019

11.  Try things you’re not sure about

Who knew that the kids would love Rachel Parrish and her late night set on Saturday night. Her ‘hen do on a train’ song is now permanently lodged in my brain and the ‘I’m amazing song’ is Izzy’s favourite. I wouldn’t have expected for the kids to like it never mind laugh out loud, but laugh they did. So push their boundaries and see what they love! Mine even found a new love of ‘Sock Wrestling’ – who knew!

Top Tips if you're heading to Deer Shed Festival in 2019

If you want to read some more tips about attending Deer Shed Festival 2022 why not check out Yorkshire Tots and Teens post here.

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