20 Top Tips for Just So Festival 2019

Top Tips for Just So Festival 2019

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We have just spent a fun packed magical weekend at Just So Festival in Cheshire with lots of lovely friends.  I’ll share with you throughout this post things we loved but I’ll focus on some tips to help you get the most out of the weekend if you’re planning on heading to Just So Festival 2019.

NB: We were guests of Just So Festival 2018!

1. Book early for Just So Festival 2019!

If you are wondering about going to Just So Festival 2019 then do!  And if you have decided you’re going to Just So Festival 2019 then book as soon as you can. Tickets go up in price as the year goes on.  Tickets for Just So Festival 2019 are available now!

Keep an eye on their website or sign up to the mailing list for offers and have a little peak at The Twinkle Diaries video!

2. Do stay on site it’s part of the fun

It’s an easy festival to stay on site for. It’s not a loud festival, it’s child friendly everywhere, the music finishes early doors and it isn’t heard from the campsite anyway, and it genuinely makes it easier as you can pop back to your tent/caravan/motorhome for some chill out time.

Top Tips for Just So Festival 2019

3. Book the Friday off work and head up early.

You don’t necessarily want to bagsy a pitch right next to the festival but it’s great to get yourself set up and head into Just So Festival to get your bearings when there aren’t so many people around.

4. Go with Friends

Going with friends to a festival gives you all flexibility. Flexibility to head off to other areas or see different acts without leaving one person on their own with all the kids or feeling like you’re seeing the festival alone as you watch the kids!  It’s also a lot of fun. Persuade all your friends to book for Just So Festival 2019 and make it into a brilliant weekend.  We just had a ball at the camp site as we managed to get all 5 families

Top Tips for Just So Festival 2019

5. Meet said friends and drive in together

A top tip is to meet at the local Kidsgrove Tesco and all drive in together so you get set up together. It’s also the perfect place to buy those last minute essentials, like ice for cocktails and food!

6. Bring your own food & drink

As good as the food on offer inside the festival is, it is nevertheless quite pricey for a family to get a meal. We also found the break of going back to camp for food was good for our kids as it allowed them to have a proper rest.  We took spaghetti hoops and pasta and bbq food. We also always take lots of crips and popcorn and snacks to keep them going through the day.  Also pack marshmallows (I’ll explain why later!).

If you camp with really good friends they even set up a bar!!

Top Tips for Just So Festival 2019

7. Bring a waterproof picnic blanket

This tip is not only for picnics but for sitting on to watch shows. We love the Rubbastuff ones as they are really light and easy to carry around!

8. Camp Light

If you choose to camp rather than stay in a motorhome like we did, then pack light. It’s really not that far from the car park to the camp site at Just So Festival but you don’t want to spend all your time carrying things to your pitch. Put things in bags that the kids can carry, for example ours carried their own sleeping bag and backpack with clothes in.

Top Tips for Just So Festival 2019

9.  Pack loads of clothes for the kids

Well in one breath I say pack light but in another, pack loads of clothes, so I know that’s not very helpful but, I would pack more clothes than you think you need. I find the kids are constantly too muddy or too wet, too hot or too cold. Thin layers and waterproofs worked best for us.

10. Dress up!

Get involved because it’s fun and a great way of striking up conversation with others. You don’t have to be an animal – be a pirate, or a fairy or simply put on your boho frock and wear flowers in your hair. We decided to be fish and were part of the same team as friends which made for a lot of fun too!

Top Tips for Just So Festival 2019

11. Take a trolley

Take/hire a trolley even if you don’t have little ones. Really useful for taking chairs around with you into the festival and supplies of food and snacks and water. This may depend on the weather I guess as in the pouring down rain you may not want to be lugging it, but they are most definitely useful for taking all your things to your pitch!

12. Pram Considerations

If you have a child in a pram then try to bring one with huge off-road wheels! The footpath up to the festival is quite rocky and there are a number of little hills on the site. There are also uneven footpaths with things that snag on the wheels in the wooded bits and some downright boggy patches about when it rains hard. Some people opt for festival carts which look lovely and can hold more than one child and your picnic etc.

13. Take a potty!

Mine are a good 5 years past using a potty so this was a camping purchase. The toilets within the camping area were honestly fine but I find an emergency wee place is essential for the middle of the night.  but worth keeping a roll of toilet paper and some hand gel in your bag for later on in the day.

Why not watch We’re Going on an Adventure Blog’s video!


14. Invest in a Programme

Invest in a programme when you get to Just So Festival 2019 as it will have the weekend mapped out. You can then see easily what’s on at any particular time. We used it to have a rough idea of what we wanted to watch. Which leads me to.

15. Don’t be a slave to the programme

Use the programme to have an idea of what you want to do when to get an idea of what’s available but don’t be a slave to a programme: some of the most fun things we did we stumbled upon.

Top Tips for Just So Festival 2019

16.  Try things you’re not sure about

Who knew that the kids would love clay face making and custard walking but they do. I also didn’t think they would particularly enjoy listening to Country Music but in fact they did.

17. Let the kids stay up late

It’s a festival for them after all so everything is suitable for young ears and eyes. Soak it up and indulge them. And yes we did deal with tantrums from each of ours in turn, but it was worth it.  Take time to sit around the campfire as it’s going dark and toast marshmallows. I’d advise taking your own just because they are quite expensive, but because they also sell out!

Top Tips for Just So Festival 2019

18. Consider the Lantern Parade and Lantern Making carefully!

Try and do  Lantern making on Friday as the queues on Saturday were pretty crazy. Also a top tip from someone else we saw was to decorate them with toilet paper rather than queue for the paper (queue was far too long) or even pre-make one and bring it along!

Top Tips for Just So Festival 2019

19. Attend the Late night High Wire Display

If they are doing this again in 2019 do attend – it really is worth it. A fab display.

Top Tips for Just So Festival 2019

20. Throw Yourself Into the Atmosphere

Just So Festival still works for the kids if you don’t, but it’s more fun for you if you simply abandon any sense of style, grown up ness or sense, and just abandon it all and live in the magical mood for the weekend!

Top Tips for Just So Festival 2019

You can read lots more Reviews of Just So Festival 2018 here!

CAUTION they will persuade you to book for Just So Festival 2019!

Travel Lynn Family Review of Just So Festival 2018

Nomipalony – Just So Festival 2018 review and top tips

We’re Going on an Adventure Blog – JUST SO FESTIVAL 2018 – OUR HIGHLIGHTS

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20 Top Tips For Just So Festival 2019


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4 thoughts on “20 Top Tips for Just So Festival 2019”

  1. Great tips! We will have to look at getting Early Bird tickets to Just So 2019. The lantern parade is magical – my favourite bit. We hung little torches inside our kids lanterns instead of candles when we went in 2017

  2. Just So looks absolutely amazing! we missed out on tickets this year but are really looking forward to nabbing some early bird tickets this year!. these tips will really come in handy….

  3. Thanks so much for including my link. I need to go back and update mine with everyone’s now too! I wish I had been able to catch up with you all more! Such a fun place, I hope we’ll return next year


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