A day trip to the Lost Gardens of Heligan

A day trip to the Lost Gardens of Heligan www.minitravellers.co.uk

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f you’ve followed me for a while you’ll know that we visit Bude in North Cornwall every year and this year was no different – we spent the first week of the Easter holidays there.  Whenever we go we make sure that we fulfill certain traditions (like having an ice cream every day) and do the things that we love to do every year (like play crazy golf and go for a walk along the canal) and I love that it’s creating strong memories for the girls that they’ll (hopefully!) look back on fondly in the years to come.

However, I also think it’s really important to introduce the girls to new places; encourage them to try different things; try and get them to learn something that they didn’t previously know about; and embrace the opportunity to experience something they’ve never done before.  And so whenever we go on holiday (even if only to Bude) I like to make sure that we go and explore somewhere new.  We haven’t been abroad for the last four years so all of our recent few adventures have been UK based and I’ve loved seeing a little bit more of our beautiful country (though there are still plenty of places on my list to visit!).

Last year we visited The Eden Project and had a brilliant day out.  This year we decided to make The Lost Gardens of Heligan our day trip of choice.  It’s quite a trek – about an hour and a half from Bude on the north coast down to just past St Austall on the south coast.  The views across the countryside and then of the spectacular coastline once you’re through St Austell were absolutely beautiful.  Cornwall really is such a stunning place – you never know what’s around the next bend in the road.

I’ve been wanting to go to Heligan for AGES – there’s something about the place that I just find fascinating.  I’m not sure whether it’s the mysterious name, the story behind it or something else – I just know I’ve been wanting to go for a long time…

To find out how Chloe and her family got on, do read the rest of the review here!

You can also find our review of Lost Gardens of Heligan in the rain from January 2017 here!

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