A Shrektabulous Time at Shrek’s Adventure, London

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I headed to the Shrek’s Adventure on the Southbank with a little trepidation. My son Joseph is 8 years old and fast believing he is “too old for Shrek”, being more into Doctor Who and Star Wars. However he loved the movies when he was younger and has loved Dreamworks movies such as Madagascar and How to Train Your Dragon so I thought it was worth a shot.


He LOVED it! After some queueing and waiting, the rules and regulations delivered with entertaining American enthusiasm (“Lets all say ShreKtaaabulous!!!”), we entered the adventure starting with a 4D bus tour. The ride was great fun and all the characters of Dreamworks were there! We got to fly with Toothless and Hiccup, see PO the panda ride a giant firework and get splashed with water when we crashed into Far Far Away. The actors were good, interacting with the children and making them giggle with jokes. One poor dad was asked to enter Shreks toilet in the swamp and when a giant fart emitted, Cinderella our guide quipped “Daddy had some curry last night!” his little girl looked up in shock and exclaimed “How did you know? That we had curry!”


The details were great; the kids could sit on stools in the Poison Apple Pub, Pinocchio’s nose grew when he told us he had “Every faith in us” in rescuing him, the muffin man had a 1 out of 5 rating for hygiene. Joseph sang along, danced the actions, shouted crowd responses, chatted with the characters and had a thoroughly Shrektabulous time. The mirror maze I had seen before I’m sure (didn’t it used to be a part of the London Dungeons?) but was still disorientating fun. A great afternoon for both of us and a double thumbs-up from Joseph!

There were lots of photo opportunities at the end, with other Dreamworks characters, and a chance to cuddle Shrek. The special photo and activity pack was £25, including a choice of photos from the green screen shots that they take at the beginning of the tour, but be warned! The fabulous shop at the very end will have your little ones begging for everything from Shrek ears to cuddly Po pandas and Toothless costumes!

It was about 2 hours in total from start to finish and I would recommend buying online, not only for the 10% discount but for the timed slot, which will mean less waiting.

Shrek’s Adventure is currently celebrating its First White Christmas.   For more ideas and information about getting the most out of Christmas in the capital why not check out Visit London.

NB: We were provided with tickets for Shrek’s Adventure but all views and opinions are the writers own.


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