Attingham Park, Shrewsbury

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This lovely blogger has written a great review of the National Trust Deer Park at Attingham. Mummy M blogs at Mummy M’s Memories which you can find here.
Mummy M also tweets as @MummyMmemories

Last week, my sister asked if I could pick something up for her in Shrewsbury. With it being over an hour there and another hour back, we decided to make a day of it as she was paying for fuel. Grandma had a day off, so joined the girlies and myself. After a look around on (I am not as addicted as it looks, honest!) we saw two areas that looked like a great walk. We settled on Attingham Park, which is a National Trust park, so we knew it would be good. We packed a packed lunch, and was set to spend the day with a walk of around 2-3 miles. This turned into around 5 miles… whoops!

We had Uncle N stay with us from Oman for a few days, so the girls were exhausted after lots of late nights. (But if we stayed inside, they would have caused havoc.) J was insisting on a very short walk, so wanted to cram in our usual woodland activities in quickly, and went running off into bushes to hide for ‘hide and seek’  running into stinging nettles…. with shorts..
This resulted in a huge tantrum, and a search for a doc leaf… it took about 10 minutes to find one, but when we did it was huge…. It took several leaves to take the ‘hurt’ away, and another to stiff in her sock…


She only snapped out of her bad, irritable mood, when we found a small stream with stepping stones. She was able to play on these for a good 5 minutes whilst I grabbed a cache nearby, and watched as she almost slipped…
She was finally in a happier place, and was exploring the surroundings again. Here there is many HUGE tree’s…. so big that we couldn’t hug them, or all four of us linking arms, still wouldn’t reach half way around the trees.
…and the paths were ideal for the pushchair that we tagged along expecting S to get tired, I would expect this to be ideal for J to ride her bike when she has learnt….
On the search for a geocache I headed into 7ft high stinging nettles…. thankfully I was skilled enough not to get stung.. 🙂
We then headed to a different area of the park which we didn’t know was here…. so was excited to see them close up. The girls were under strict advice to stay to the mowed paths to not stress the deer out, and S decided she had enough of walking, and wanted to go back in the buggy.
J was amazed at how close and how many deer there actually was around us… and the deer were curious about the girls…
Whilst having a little break for another geocache, J took a well earned rest on the front of the buggy to watch the deer.
Once in the deer park, we had to continue on the path, or double back on ourselves… so we were committed to a longer then expected walk. J did fantastic at the 5 mile walk, and S managed around 3 miles before giving up, so once back at the house, they were treated to an ice lolly as the rain came….


We have had yet ANOTHER great day at a national trust place, so think a membership is certainly on the cards…  and if you are in the area with an urge for a nice walk, or an afternoon tea, (they looked awesome!) I would certainly recommend Attingham Park.


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