Travel Tips: Brand new BabyBjörn One & One Air Carrier Review

BabyBjörn One & One Air Carrier

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A safe and comfortable way to babywear

As a parent I have always been a fan of the BabyBjörn brand. 5 years ago when we had Hugh, without question we bought ourselves a BabyBjörn Active carrier. It was light to wear, easy to use and instantly he was happy to be in it. We used it a lot, and in fact planned to dust it off to use for Matilda. But in those 5 years, things seemed to develop in the world of baby carriers. It became more popular to ‘baby wear’ and concerns over hip dysplasia seemed to increase.

When Matilda was born we borrowed a material sling from a friend, we relied on it to get us through the early days. It kept her close, comfy and importantly was safe for her hips. She grew, and in a flash she was too big for it. When we got offered the chance to test run the new and improved BabyBjörn One & One Air Carrier, we jumped at the chance. A favoured brand and now they had developed a carrier which is ‘hip-healthy’, the only thing holding me back from using our older version.

You can also read a review of the BabyBjörn Baby Carrier Mini Review – The New Soft Selection here.

When it arrived, on first impressions I was taken aback by the size and complexity of the BabyBjörn One Carrier, there are a lot more straps, clips and buckles to get used to. Thinking I was an ‘old hand’ at baby wearing and could figure it out I put the manual aside, scooped Matilda up and gave it a go. We got there… in the end once I admitted I should look at the manual! There is no doubting that the BabyBjörn One  Carrier is all singing and dancing – there seems to be endless possibilities.

BabyBjörn One Carrier - As featured in my review on Mini Travellers

So what has changed in 5 years… what does the BabyBjörn One Carrier do?

  • Where there were buckles there are now zips. It is much easier to adjust the height and leg width of the carrier depending on the way you are wearing it and the size of your baby
  • You now have 3 ways of carrying your baby – on your front, forward or inward facing and when they are 12 months, on your back
  • It all feels a little more substantial – maybe that is due to our older version being a lighter style, but it just feels more sturdy
  • It is definitely comfier! Our older style would be comfy to start but soon you realised you had another person strapped on to your front

Though I do love the BabyBjörn One Carrier, I am still getting used to a few things…

  • The clips for the straps are a little fiddly, there is definitely a technique and I am sure with a bit more practice I will find them easy
  • I have to keep referring to the handy guide on the carrier to remind me how to use it. With more carry options comes more buckles and zips – I never remember what needs opening and closing
  • I can not for the life of me master the ‘one simple movement’ to swing Matilda round from my front to my back… its usually about 10 and a little bit of huffing and puffing. I am hoping this gets easier, and one day I’ll look just as good as the instructional video I found on the internet!

It’s a winner in our eyes – one of our favourite baby brands has moved with the times and produced a safe and comfy solution to baby wearing. BabyBjörn One Carrier (or the lighter One Air Carrier) has a stylish look, safety conscious design and is definitely the quality you would expect from BabyBjörn. With years of use still to come, I’m confident by the time Matilda is 3, I will have mastered the ‘one simple move’!

NB: I was asked to review the BabyBjörn One Carrier, but all the opinions are my own.

Why not PIN this post about the BabyBjörn One & One Air Carrier?

Could the BabyBjörn One Carrier be the one for you? I review the new carrier and share why it's great in this review at Mini Travellers

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