New York

7 Day Family Holiday in New York
Blog Family Holidays New York

7 Day Family Holiday in New York

Mini Travellers

So we’ve just had a fun crazy wonderful 7 Day Family Holiday in New York  travelling as 3 adults and ...

Blog New York

Ripleys Believe It or Not in New York

Mini Travellers

Tripadvisor reviews on Ripleys Believe It or Not in New York are mixed to say the least. So when we ...

How to get tickets to the Vessel in Hudsons Yard
Blog New York

How to get tickets to the Vessel in Hudsons Yard

Mini Travellers

Shortly before we visited New York in April 2019 photographs kept popping up on Instagram of the Vessel in Hudsons ...

American Museum of Natural History Highlights
Blog New York

American Museum of Natural History Highlights

Mini Travellers

The American Museum of Natural History (abbreviated as AMNH) is located on the Upper West Side of Manhattan in New York City, and is one of ...

Blog New York

8 Tips for Visiting the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island with Kids

Mini Travellers

8 Tips for Visiting the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island with Kids #FamilyTravel #StatuteofLiberty #EllisIsland

Central Park in early morning New York
Blog New York

Things to do with Jet Lag in New York

Mini Travellers

One of the upsides when flying to New York from London is that your body clock is all out of ...

10 ways to make a trip to New York easier with Kids
Blog New York

10 ways to make a trip to New York easier with Kids

Mini Travellers

After we had booked flights to New York for a week during our Easter break I suddenly panicked a little ...

New York CityPASS Review 2019
Blog New York Travel Tips

New York CityPASS Review 2019: Will It Save You Money?

Mini Travellers

Here is our New York CityPASS Review 2019 in which we are working out whether it will save you money. ...

Is it worth taking kids to Guggenheim Museum in New York?
Blog New York

Is it worth taking kids to Guggenheim Museum in New York?

Mini Travellers

Our trip to the Guggenheim Museum in New York with the kids was on the last day of our seven ...

So in no particular order here are some ideas of things to do in New York with kids!
Days Out New York USA

Things to do in New York with Kids

Mini Travellers

I’ve always had a bit of a soft spot for New York and know where my favourite places are, but ...