CozyPhones – The Headband Headphones

CozyPhones - The Headband Headphones

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My kids love these CozyPhones headphones!

Packed in their bags for the 15 hour flight from Manchester via Istanbul to Kigali, I was hopeful that they were going to be good and I felt like I was taking a bit of a risk as we hadn’t actually managed to use them at home before we set off.

The kids instantly loved them when I showed them to them online before we ordered them and spent ages choosing which animals to go for. Finally settling on a unicorn, a panda and a cat.  When they arrived they instantly put them on and started parading around the house in them, playing games, until I had to take them away and pack them for holidays as I was worried they would break them before we even had chance to set off.

As soon as we sat on the plane the girls begged to have them on. They used them to watch the inflight entertainment but also to play games on their iPads.

CozyPhones - The Headband Headphones

We got some envious looks from other parents around the plane when people realised what they were, as they looked so comfy.  The girls wore them throughout the four flights we did to Rwanda and back and declared them a LOT better than the hard headphones they usually use.

The only slight issue we had using the headphones was on the first flight from Manchester to Istanbul as the air conditioning didn’t seem to be working and our area of the plane was VERY hot. This meant that having warm and cosy headphones on, also made them hotter.  Apparently not so much that they wanted to take them off but it was a slight issue and did mean they became a little sweaty!

No picture of the cat headphones as Little Miss Cat wasn’t playing ball on our flights!

Overall I really like these headphones and they will make a fantastic addition to our travel kit for the kids.  I just need some for me now!

RRP $19.99

The cosy seats they are sitting on are Travel Snugs, which we have a full post on here.

NB: We were sent the CosyPhones to review but all views and opinions are our own.

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CozyPhones – The Headband Headphones

Plutonium Sox
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11 thoughts on “CozyPhones – The Headband Headphones”

  1. These look fantastic! Our boys have some terrible headphones for flights – they’re too big and keep slipping off, plus they’re just not loud enough over the sound of the engines. No idea why we still bother packing them. Is the volume good on these? #familytraveltips

  2. I saw this when you posted on social media and thought what a fantastic idea. We have tried several before, and they either are slightly too big, are not comfortable or they don’t provide adequate sound. These look the perfect solution! Thanks for linking up to #familytraveltips

  3. Oh they’re adorable and what a brilliant idea! What a nightmare for you that the air con wasn’t working on one of your flights too! Thanks for linking up to #familytraveltips

  4. We’re getting Amy a tablet for her birthday this year and I think these might be ideal – especially in the car where she might not be able to sit safely in her seat with headphones squashed into the headrest.


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