Fish & Chips in Criccieth, Llyn Peninsula


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I don’t really have lots to say in this post as we weren’t in Criccieth for long. We didn’t get chance to visit the Castle itself (although we are likely to on our next visit); we didn’t get to the beach; we didn’t even get to the legendary Cadwalders Ice Cream shop; but what we did visit was ‘Castle Fish and Chips‘.

When I spoke to a colleague who had a house in the area about tips on places to visit, and things to see and do, she very kindly sent me an email with suggestions of lovely beaches and restaurants on.  She also made a point of telling me ‘we needed to visit’ Castle Fish and Chips shop in Criccieth.

Armed with the information that it opened at 5pm, and not to be late as we would have to queue if we were, we drove into Criccieth around 4.35pm after a full day out a Portmeirion and Black Rock Sands. We drove past the chip shop and saw a man waiting outside, we found a parking space outside the Castle and wandered back down.  By the time we got there at 4.45pm (faffing with children as you do) there was a queue of 8 people. My colleague hadn’t been joking. I decided the kids were never going to wait sensibly in a queue on a narrow pavement so they went off to see the outside of the Castle with Mr MT and their Grandad. Me and my Mum waited outside the chippy, giggling about queuing for Fish and Chips.  By the time the shop opened at 5pm there was at least another ten people behind us, maybe more.  Could these Fish and Chips live up to expectations.


They could. They were excellent.  We bought 3 lots of Fish and Chips, 3 kids meals of sausage and chips (includes a drink) and a chip butty with gravy with change out of £25. Very reasonable for fish that tasted like fish, chips that weren’t too greasy and were incredibly yummy with lashings of salt n vinegar.  We ate them on a bench overlooking the beach.  It was starting to get cold by the time we finished but this didn’t stop us enjoying every moment.

I’m usually disappointed after having fish n chips and regret the calories when they aren’t tasty, but these were definitely worth it.  Castle Fish and Chips we will be back next time we visit the Llyn Peninsula, probably to return to Gwynfryn Farm.  Give it a try!


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