Geronimo Festival, Tatton Park – Organised Mayhem

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When we first found out we had been chosen as an Official Geronimo Festival Bloggers for 2015 we were really really excited.  My three Mini Travellers are 4,3 and 3 and they hadn’t ever been to a festival before so I was incredibly excited at the prospect of taking them to a fantastic festival that was designed just for them.

Gernonimo Festival was described in all the press releases as  ‘a long weekend of organised mayhem at one of England’s premier visitor attractions, Tatton Park in Cheshire’. We visited the festival on its debut day over May Bank Holiday weekend (23rd May 2015) and had an absolutely AMAZING day.  My girls LOVED it and wanted to go back the next day!

Eldest LOVED the Helter Skelter

The event was aimed at 2 – 12 years old (making it perfect for my Mini Travellers) and there was so much to do all day it is difficult to put into words everything we did durin our very full day between 10 and 5.

I have already published a Top Tips post, which you can find here, and a little video of our day, but here is a few more photos of our Mini Travellers having the time of their lives. Roll on next year!

PIG was a really eye-catching installation featuring a nine metre long sleeping sow in a pen. You could see her snuffling, opening and closing her eyes, and hear her snoring. It was actually quite disconcerting! A farm-hand invites ten people at a time into the pen to take a peek at a 10-minute long, unexpected piece of theatre inside her belly. The girls seemed quite transfixed but it did have quite long queues and could possibly have been a little shorter to allow more people to have a go.

The Pasture  Tucked away at the back of the park, I know a few people didn’t find this, but we were lucky enough to realise it was there right at the beginning of the day. We were the shetland pony rides first visitors and the girls adored pottering round the paddock on their perfectly sized horses.


The pasture also contained the ducklings, chicks and goslings from Tatton Park Farm and some less cute creatures like tarrantulas and geckos!


The Funky Junk Zone. This promised a glitter overload.  I’m known to not love glitter, my kids often say Mummy we know you don’t like glitter, BUT glitter out of my house well that’s another story!!IMG_0454.JPG


We spent quite lot of time in the Circus Zone although we didn’t actually make it to the Circus.  We spent ages trying to hula hoop and walk on buckets. The girls also loved watching the clowns demonstrate their tricks.  We also caught a little bit of the family classic Punch & Judy  – That’s the way to do it!


We didn’t actually make it into the 3ft & Under Zone, although I know for those that did it was amazing for the tiny ones to have their own area that was a little less hectic than everywhere else.  We did however really enjoy the bouncy castle village.  There was I think 5 bouncy castles so they were never busy and the kids could spend as long as they liked on them, without having to pay. My four year old couldn’t believe that. The next local fair is going to be such a disappointment! 

Woods To find some special treats you had to get right to the back of the park and find the activities tucked away. We didn’t get chance to do the monkey nets that were apparently brilliant, but we did go on a treasure hunt dressed as bears, and play in the little tepees.

Geronostage. With so much else to do we didn’t actually make it to the main stage much.  I thought this would probably be the main event of the festival but there always seemed to be other things the girls wanted to do.  We did however make it to the main stage to see Cbeebies favourite (and Mum’s favourite) Mr. Bloom.

Characters All around the park all day were princesses, lego characters and the obligatory Peppa. Because they were milling around all day there always seemed to be the chance to have your photo taken and again the girls loved this. Whenever this happens at other events there tends to be really long queues.IMG_0416.JPG



Meet & Greet  We had VIP tickets so the queues for our Meet & Greet’s were really short. The CBeebies favourites were lovely to the kids and really took the time to spend a few minutes chatting to them. One of my twins Eve adores pirates so her face when she saw she was going to meet Cook and Line was adorable!





I also had my picture taken with Mr Bloom, did I mention that!



Geronimo Festival you were amazing and we can’t wait for next year!!!!

Country Kids from Coombe Mill Family Farm Holidays Cornwall

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16 thoughts on “Geronimo Festival, Tatton Park – Organised Mayhem”

  1. Thank you so much for sharing the detail about this festival. Have managed to persuade husband that this is how I would like to celebrate my 41st birthday …… along with our 2 year old. Excited, and see you there!

  2. The Geronimo Festival looks like it’s a perfect day out for toddlers, there’s so many activities to take part in! It’s great that you can take photos with all the characters and get to meet all the childrens favourite TV personalities. It’s great that the girls enjoyed it so much they wanted to go back the next day, I bet they’re already counting down the days till next years festival. Thanks for linking up with Country Kids.

  3. I saw this advertised and really loved the sound of it, but I wasn’t sure if we’d be on holiday so didn’t get tickets. As it turns out, we aren’t! Such a shame; it sounds brilliant. I’m sure James would’ve loved it!


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