Gorilla Trekking in Rwanda and Kids!

Gorilla Trekking in Rwanda and Kids! www.minitravellers.co.uk

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One of the most amazing things I have ever done is Gorilla Trekking in Rwanda – it was quite simply INCREDIBLE.

When we decided to head out to Rwanda to take part in the Friends of Rwandan Rugby tourists tour we knew we wanted to try and see the gorillas if we possibly could!  Rwanda is one of three neighbouring countries in Africa where you can see mountain gorillas in the wild—the other two being Uganda and the Democratic Republic of the Congo.  The difficulty for families is that children can’t visit the gorillas until they are 15 so we needed a plan.


Options for Gorilla Trekking in Rwanda if you have Kids

Our final plan was for one of the team who work for Friends of Rwandan Rugby to come up with us to Musanze after spending a week with us and the girls on the rugby trip. We were lucky in this I know and allowed our Gorilla Trekking plan to progress. It isn’t however an option that is available for most people.

Option one: Stay in a hotel near the gorillas that offer to look after the kids.  Many of the 5* Hotels close to the gorillas do offer this.

Option two: Stay for two nights and see the gorillas on separate days.  One of the things you can do with the kids whilst you are there is canoeing with Kingfisher Safaris so the kids don’t have two days at the hotel whilst you see the gorillas.  We did this and it was a lot of fun.

Gorilla Trekking in Rwanda and Kids! www.minitravellers.co.uk

Where to Stay if you are Gorilla Trekking!

There are many many places to stay near the Gorillas and naturally most have Gorilla in their name. The prices range dramatically too! We stayed at the fantastic Villa Gorilla which is a mid priced hotel in the area and if you are taking the kids and staying two nights to see the gorillas I can highly recommend staying here in the Family Lodge (below).  Full review of Villa Gorilla.

Villa Gorilla is more on the basic side than the luxurious, but the staff are wonderful and the views of the mountains superb.  I just loved eating our meals outside.

Gorilla Trekking in Rwanda and Kids! www.minitravellers.co.uk

On the Day of Gorilla Trekking!

It’s a 6am start for a silverback gorilla tour.  We asked our guide Jimmy to ask for a closer gorilla group if possible so we wouldn’t be away from the kids for too long.  They do the gorilla group assignments just before the trek, and divide people up based on requests, physical fitness and which groups they may have seen already that week.  We met a family who were on their fourth day of trekking to see the gorillas and they had been fortunate enough to see a different group each day.  The central meeting point is a hive of activity and incredibly well organised.  Clean toilets, coffee to be had and a place to wait if it’s wet.

We were allocated the Sabinyo family of gorillas, there are 12 of them and it included the youngest and oldest gorillas on the Rwandan side of the mountain.   It is also the closest family and we were advised that the trek shouldn’t be much longer than an hour.  It could be – as the family may move, but we had a good chance of it being around an hour to locate them.

After you are allocated your group you get back in the car with your driver and you are driven to the start of the trek. Everyone heads of in different directions to start their own journey into the mountains. The trek is steep but we were lucky that there was no rain and the weather was cool but not cold.  I certainly didn’t need all my layers. * If you want to see what I wore take a look at this post! We had followed the recommendation to pay for a porter to join us on the trek (putting some valuable resources back into the local community) and I’m glad we had.  The trek was muddy and overgrown despite the porters hacking the undergrowth away with their machetes.  I’m very thankful to have brought decent hiking boots,  and worn the gators that the hotel provided.

Gorilla Trekking in Rwanda and Kids! www.minitravellers.co.uk

After an hour we arrived at the gorillas. We were given a pep talk about what to do if the gorillas wanted to get close to us (a very necessary chat as it turn out when you see the video below) and then it was time for our hour.  A very precious hour. Time seemed to stand still but race at the same time. I think I may have held my breath for most of the time. I couldn’t believe we were so close and that they were so content.

Gorilla Trekking in Rwanda and Kids! www.minitravellers.co.uk

These photos and the video below show just how close were were and how incredibly moving the whole experience was.  It’s expensive (now even more so, with a price increase to $1500 per person) but for a once in a lifetime experience I can’t think of anything else that hits the mark!

If you can make it work, I can’t recommend it highly enough! For further information do get in touch with Kat at World Fusion Tours and tell her I sent you. She will definitely look after you making this incredible experience even more superb.

If you’re in Rwanda on a Gorilla Trek you should also look into the Nyungwe Canopy Walk  I am so very sad we missed it.

Gorilla Trekking in Rwanda and Kids! www.minitravellers.co.uk
Gorilla Trekking in Rwanda and Kids! www.minitravellers.co.uk
Gorilla Trekking in Rwanda and Kids! www.minitravellers.co.uk
Gorilla Trekking in Rwanda and Kids! www.minitravellers.co.uk
orilla Trekking in Rwanda and Kids! www.minitravellers.co.uk
Gorilla Trekking in Rwanda and Kids! www.minitravellers.co.uk
Gorilla Trekking in Rwanda and Kids! www.minitravellers.co.uk
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30 thoughts on “Gorilla Trekking in Rwanda and Kids!”

  1. Such a fantastic post! Having watched some documentaries on the gorillas, it’s refreshing to hear more positive stories. I would love to do this, I just need an excuse to go to Rwanda now!

  2. Fabulous pictures. I enjoyed following your trip when you were there and the film of the gorilla brushing past – i might have wet my pants if I was you -I’m not that brave! A once in a lifetime experience! #MondayEscapes

  3. What an absolutely incredible experience. Seeing mountain gorillas in the wild has been very high on my bucket list for too long. Such a shame the kids can’t go too, but completely understand. Were the girls ok about not going? #MondayEscapes

  4. Wow, impressive video! I didn’t realise you could see the gorillas with just an hour of trekking involved. I hope the hefty price tag gets pooled back into the community successfully. #Mondayescapes

  5. This I have been considering for a while. Thought it was going to happen on my second trip to (Sub-Saharan) Africa, but looks like it will have to wait for my third trip 🙂

  6. Their facial expressions are amazing! Like they’re hamming it up for the camera. What a truly awesome experience. I could sit here looking at this photos all day! #MondayEscapes

  7. This is so incredible! When you are so close to wildlife like that you feel like never leaving. In some way, the gorillas remind me of the gray whales (which I went to see in their birthing grounds in Mexico). They know they are being observed and they start to show off. It is fantastic how they connect to human beings. #MondayEscapes

  8. Absolutely incredible! This is definitely a once in a lifetime experience. Pricey, but worth it I’m sure. And now I feel like we should’ve done it back in 2012 when we were on safari in Tanzania – little side trip to Rwanda, I think at that time, it was about half the price… #mondayescapes

  9. Option 3: wait till your kids are 15 and then go, because they might not forgive you if you go without them – is definitely my best option here! My two – but especially my youngest – would absolutely love this trip. In fact, I’m going to pin it to my personal bucket list private board, because I do NOT want to forget. I saw your video, and I really couldn’t believe how close you were – just amazing! My son is desperate to take over from David Attenborough, and keeps asking me when he’ll be old enough for us to take him on safari. I’m thinking it will be how we get them both to go on holiday with us when they might rather be in Ibiza with their mates!

  10. Oh wow what a totally amazing experience. I think I would have been terrified and excited in equal measure. It is definitely one of those once in a lifetime opportunities and great that you have the video to remind you. Am totally inspired. #MondayEscapes.


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