Grip & Go Haslingden

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Guest Post by Pauline.

Grip & Go  in Haslingden was frequented by Freddie aged 6 and Jac aged 9 this weekend. We were very lucky to be invited by Mini Travellers to go on their behalf and review the centre.

We checked it out online before we set off so we knew what we were letting ourselves in for. Both kids were so excited!!! 

On arrival the centre looked so enticing the boys literally couldn’t wait. We went into a side room for a safety briefing where the boys learned about the 5 most important rules when inside. It was very good and aimed just at their level. Once we were all harnessed and checked we were allowed in.

At first the boys were apprehensive but willing to give it a go. 15 minutes in and they were off without hesitation.

 Even the adults gave it a go! Although I must admit it looks easier than it is and my arms are a little stiff today!!!

The kids even climbed the leap of faith, they were fearless by the end.

The staff were so helpful and lovely with the children. Freddie got stuck at the top of one of the walls at the start and a lovely staff member climbed up to help him.

 The little cafe is great too providing just what you need for the time you’re there.

Freddie has come away asking to go there for his 7th birthday which must mean he had a fab time. Thank you Grip & Go!!!!

If you would like to visit Grip & Go yourself then you can visit their website and quote MINIT20 for 20% off where it asks for a discount code. The code is valid until 13th January 2016.

Monkey and Mouse

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14 thoughts on “Grip & Go Haslingden”

  1. It really does look like fun but I am a big wuss and would probably chicken out. There’s a “rock up” nearby and although our girly is a bit young I can’t wait to let her loose on it! #whatevertheweather

  2. Looks like a fab place! Getting the adrenaline up indoors. The boys would have had an amazing time I believe.
    Thanks for linking #WhatevertheWeatherWednesdays


  3. That looks so much fun – I’ve done similar climbing walls but I’m impressed they’ve made it so kid-friendly that it’s great for a six-year-old too. I wonder if I can persuade my daughter to try in a few years? #whatevertheweather

  4. I love this sort of thing, even better that it’s not just a climbing wall, but ropes, tyres and even a leap of faith! I’m not sure if O would ever do this, maybe when he’s older, but I could definitely see my littlest doing it when he’s big enough! He loves climbing and jumping off things A LOT! A fantastic place to visit for a day.
    Thanks so much for linking up to #Whatevertheweather 🙂 x

  5. Thanks for this review. We are just down the road and although my boys are too little for it, I have a few friends who I will recommend it to and pass on the discount code. #whatevertheweather

  6. They are so much braver than me. I went indoor climbing with my other half this year and it’s so much harder than it looks isn’t it. Plus the heights (i’m not too bothered with heights either) can make you feel very fuzzy. It looks like they had so much fun though. What a brilliant place. Thank you so, so much for sharing this on #whatevertheweather x


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