The Hobbit, Williamson Park


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Myself and my partner, plus our two kids, Freddie (8) and Daisy (3) recently attended the summer showing of The Hobbit by the Dukes Theatre Company at Williamson Park, Lancaster. We managed to see last years production of Oliver which was absolutely superb so we were all rather excited to be going back.

There is hardly a week goes by that my 3 year old doesn’t ask to watch The Hobbit (or flying dragons as she likes to call it) so she was highly excited. I could sense some trepidation though when I mentioned dragons and I caught her looking nervously into the sky on a number of occasions.

To set the scene slightly the production takes place in the magnificent surroundings of Williamson Park. Each scene is set in a different part of the park and there is naturalized seating for each scene. This might be a grass bank or some wooden logs. You can take a camping chair or picnic blanket if you like and plenty of people take a picnic and some drinks.


The Hobbit is set over five different scenes starting at Bilbo’s home where you get to meet the characters and ending at the dragon’s lair for a rather spectacular finale.

Gollum(Josie Cerise) and Bilbo Baggins(Gareth Cassidy)

I don’t want to give too much away regarding the plot because there were so many great things to talk about. My wife has never seen The Hobbit but found the storyline easy to follow. I really enjoyed the interaction between Bilbo and Gollum in the 2nd scene but there were many fine performance and every one of us were transfixed throughout the whole performance. The use of the park and it’s surroundings is what makes this show extra special and some of the things going on whilst you walk from one seen to the next are really cute.

Gandalf watches the audience as they make their way to a scene

If you only do one thing this summer then I would highly recommend this.

The show runs from 5th July – 13th August.

Tickets are –

Full Price £18.50 – £24
Concessions £14.50 – £20
Children £12 – £14

Special offers are available through the Dukes website here.

Well done to everybody involved in this. It was very, very impressive.

NB: Pauline and her family received tickets to see The Hobbit but all views and opinions are their own.

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