Life Science Centre, Newcastle

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A review by our Emily Gettins. For another review of The Centre for Life click here.
I took my three boys along to the Life Science Centre in Newcastle today. It’s a large science centre in the middle of Newcastle and is perfect for a grey day.
It’s easy to get around and has different shows in the Science Theatre and the Planetarium. The boys (aged 7 and 4) love the ‘Curiosity Zone’ where there are lots of hands on exhibits for them to explore.
There is a cafe which isn’t expensive compared to similar places and the facilities are great. They also allow you to bring your own picnic in and sit in a designated area which makes a big difference on how much the day costs if you’re on a budget!
The entry fee itself isn’t cheap (£31.50 for a family of 4) but there is more than enough to keep a family busy all day. I wouldn’t recommend paying it if you only have an hour spare, but for half or full day it is good value. We have upgraded to annual passes as the boys are keen to revisit the GameOn exhibition as many times as possible (it’s at Life until November). We were there for three hours today and saw less than half of what was available!
I will leave the rest of the review to my eldest son, Harry, for a 7 year old’s view on what there is to do.

The Life Centre Review by Harry

Today we went to the life centre in Newcastle.
My favourite thing today was probably the computer games exhibition. It is the biggest computer games exhibition in the world. My little brothers favourite game was minecraft. I was the best on pinball and pong my mum was rubbish at them all.
The 4d show is amazing. its spongebob theme. You get very wet on it and the seats move. It’s very funny
There are lots of experiments in the laboratory. We did the acids one. there is simple staining, extracting d.n.a and I can’t remember the rest.
There is a mini soft play in the under 7s area. We made a fort out of big blocks
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1 thought on “Life Science Centre, Newcastle”

  1. This sounds like great fun, and just the kind of place my son would enjoy! We are big fans of the Science Museum in London and also very much enjoyed the Science Centres in Bristol and Winchester. We love things which are hands-on!


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