London Transport Museum | Mini Travellers Review

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Last weekend I went to London to visit a friend and her new baby. I decided to take my eldest little girl who is 4 for some overdue me and her time.  Life in our house is very busy with her younger twin sisters who are 3 and this was time for me and her, so we visited amongst other things the London Transport Museum.

We dropped the twins off at pre-school on Friday and 8.50 and drove to Liverpool to get the 9.50 Virgin train to London. I make the point that we got a Virgin train because they were fantastic with my daughter. They made her feel very special. As that was the point of the weekend, I was very grateful.

Virgin Trains

Two breakfasts Mummy, I can really have two breakfasts was her first comment on getting on the train! And she really did take advantage. Hot chocolate, two Apple juices, bacon sandwich and a croissant! Made my smoked salmon and scrambled eggs looks like a poor mans brekkie!

Anyway less of the journey but it was lovely. Thanks Virgin. Btw we did pay for our journey I just think credit should be given where credits due!

We spent Friday with friends and had a lovely afternoon. Our day tripping really started on Saturday though when we met Lily’s godfather at Waterloo at 9.30. We couldn’t decide what to do for the day, but had decided to start with the London Eye. We hadn’t booked tickets in advance as we weren’t sure what the weather as going to be like. Had we met any later than 9.30 this would have been an error but thankfully at 9.45 the queues weren’t too bad. I had printed off 241 tickets from The Days Out Guide and with our national rail tickets this reduced the price from £21.50 each to to two for £21.50.  Definitely worth doing.


We had  a great trip on the London  Eye, followed by an ice cream. It’s never too cold for ice cream.

What I should have done at the same time was print off the same tickets for the London Aquarium but I didn’t. As a result we decided to go to the National History Museum. This was a big mistake. We got to the NHM at 1.30. The queues were absolutely ridiculous! Definitely not waitable in.

We quickly hot footed it back to Covent Garden. I had worried that my 4 year old would struggle with all the walking and tubes but she loved the excitement of it all. It was one of her favourite things.


At Covent Garden is the Transport Museum. The friends we had stayed with on Friday had recommended it as a very child friendly place: they weren’t wrong.

At £16 per adult to get in it is pricey in comparison to other free London museums, but the pass is for the year. Not so fabulous for us northerners but very good if you’re local. A £16 price tag does however mean that it is significantly quieter than the NHM. A very short queue and we were in.

Nb there is also a free cloakroom for all your coats and bags. If you’re wondering Lily’s coat is by the wonderful Muddy Puddles and they very kindly sent it ahead of our ski holiday.

At the entrance you are issued with a card for your children to collect ‘stamps’ on. There are 13 stations and they are encouraged to collect them all. I didn’t actually find out if there was any reward if you did, but that didn’t seem to phase my 4 year old.

London transport museum

Within the museum are various carts, trains, buses, trams, tube trains from throughout he last couple of centuries. Seeing Lily’s face at the thought of being pulled down a main road in a horse and cart was a picture!

Lily’s favourite activity was climbing in and out of the various forms of transport. She was disappointed when there was things you couldn’t go on but overly excited when you could. To be honest I was disappointed at queening for ten minutes just so she could sit and drive a new London bus, but she didn’t seem phased at waiting at all!


The toilets and baby changing throughout the museum were great and there was a lovely area to eat. I didn’t spot whether you could eat your own picnics there or just food you had bought but it didn’t seem that picky.

From my point of view the museum was ok. I’m not a massive ‘transport’ fan but then that wasn’t the point. Had we got into the NHM I would probably have been frustrated because I couldn’t read some of the info: a day trip with a 4 year old is not about me/you after all!


We were in the museum for a good couple of hours. Lily loved it, we enjoyed it because she did, and the day was complete. We then made the journey back to Euston for our journey home!

Fab weekend.

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7 thoughts on “London Transport Museum | Mini Travellers Review”

  1. Sounds fantastic Karen, it must have been so nice to spend some time just you two and love the picture of her on the train. It makes the difference when anything is child-friendly, be it trains or museums, I think you appreciate it all the more if they go out of there way to be welcoming. xx

  2. How lovely to have one on one time, must be hard on her having siblings so close in age and not having you to herself for long.
    I am not sure if I have ever been to TFL museum, I feel like I must have! You must come back down and go to the aquarium it is amazing- I will meet you there!


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