Mother’s Day with Handmade at Amazon

Mother's Day with Handmade at Amazon

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It’s Mother’s Day this Sunday! Make sure the kids tell their Dad if he doesn’t know already (or make sure you find a way of telling the kids so they know). I overheard some rather loud whispering the other day when the girls came home from Rainbows with their cards they had made and were desperately trying to hide them.  There was a discussion over the fact that ‘thank goodness Rainbows had told them about Mother’s Day’ as they were sure no-one would have remembered otherwise! They don’t have a lot of faith in their Father it seems!

So Mother’s Day is on the horizon and I hope it’s going to be lovely for you.  We have a busy weekend planned but we are going to make time for brunch with my own Mum on Sunday before I head off to London later in the afternoon for a conference very early on Monday morning.

So because Sunday is going to be a little chaotic and so we could show you my new present ahead of time, we baked cakes when the girls came home from school to put in my new Mum’s Cakes tin just so we could show you.

Mother's Day with Handmade at Amazon


Now anyone who knows me well,  knows that I’m not really* very creative when it comes to baking or crafting. I can cook pretty nice dinners and entertain at dinner parties but I’m not very good at actually getting cakes to rise. I would make a cheesecake over a Victoria Sponge every day.  However when you have kids you realise that whether or not you’re good at baking doesn’t really matter, you are still going to bake cakes with the kids (even if they are inedible), you are still going to bake cakes for their birthdays (even if they are inedible) and you are still going to need somewhere to carefully store their cakes, even if only to keep them out of Daddy’s reach (an important consideration in this house!).

Mother's Day with Handmade at Amazon

So when Amazon got in touch to ask if we would like a Mother’s Day gift from their new platform Handmade at Amazon the girls thought it would be lovely if we chose a cake tin to store all the cakes in they could make me for Mother’s Day.  It also meant that they knew they would be able to persuade me to bake with them, which as it turns out worked very well for them.

Handmade at Amazon features thousands of handcrafted products by upcoming artisans.  From soy wax candles and knitted booties to screen-printed and hand sewn tea-towels – you can find browse through various categories – Homes & Kitchen, Jewellery & Accessories and Baby, Toys & Games – and discover unique products handcrafted by more than 1,000 artisans worldwide.

Handmade at Amazon also provides a suite of support services to help artisans grow their business. Artisans can be discovered by millions of potential customers to tell the story behind their products, as well as benefitting from a number of professional tools to make it easy for them to manage their business on Amazon, and get back to their craft.

I also chose today to bake as I was one child down and it’s far easier to share the basic duties out just between two.  So with one, concentrating very hard on flour, and the other on eggs and sugar they set off with only a little bit of help from me!

Mother's Day with Handmade at Amazon

Mother's Day with Handmade at Amazon

Mother's Day with Handmade at Amazon

Mother's Day with Handmade at Amazon

Now this is where the confession comes in. I haven’t included a photo of the finished article! I think I may share some of them on Instagram Stories so maybe pop over there and have a look, but when earlier I said not really creative. I actually meant really flipping rubbish. So if you want to know what cakes should look like, in this beautiful tin you should head over and have a look at Emily’s Lemon Cupcakes!   Go on honestly, go and have a look they look absolutely beautiful – but if you are going to stay here then I can show you lovely photos of the girls have a lot of fun eating the cake mix-  as let’s face it, if the cakes don’t rise – then the cake mix is the best bit!

Mother's Day with Handmade at Amazon


By the way the lovely cake tin we have simply says Mum’s Cakes but because they are handmade by Jonny’s Sister they can say whatever you’d like them to, Kaz’s Cakes, Karen’s Cakes, Beddow’s Bakes – Beddow’s Bakes has a nice ring to it don’t you think?

I also think the cake tin would work really well with the Victoria Eggs’ English Dinner Apron too – just another little idea for you!

*When I say not really I mean really flipping rubbish.

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5 thoughts on “Mother’s Day with Handmade at Amazon”

  1. Beddow’s Bakes is definitely the winner! I’m terrible at arts and crafts. I’m Ok at tray bakes. But anything that requires a bit of delicate decoration and I get bored! Plus baking wit kids is meant to be messy, right?! Love this personalised gift idea. I wonder what I’m getting for Mother’s Day??

  2. Ha ha never thought I would see a baking post on your blog Karen I love it, and yes the tin is a great idea I love personalised presents. I would have liked to see the finished cake though ! x

  3. I love the idea of personalised presents and I always love the idea of handmade presents too such a cakes…they are really made with love 🙂 We have made rocky road today and I just love baking with my older two, they really enjoy it and I give them full attention without distractions which I love!


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