Penrhyn Castle, Bangor

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This lovely blogger has written a great review of the National Trust property Penrhyn Castle in Bangor. Mummy M blogs at Mummy M’s Memories which you can find here.
Mummy M also tweets as @MummyMmemories
When we were on our camping holiday in Wales, we took the opportunity to visit Penrhyn Castle.
It wasn’t the best day to visit, as it was pouring down with rain, but it didn’t stop us getting out and about. The castle was very grand, and the walk up, got the girlies excited.
It was like a fairy tale castle, all in tact.
The girlies are used to seeing castle ruins, and think this is the first intact castle they have been too.
Inside the palace, was like a stately home. The girlies enjoyed the entrance and main hall, as they could explore freely, and sat on the chairs that were once sat on by the original owners. But as we got further in, the red ropes appeared, and they didn’t like not being able to explore and touch. Our girlies are little explorers. We did the activity that gets the kids to spot things around the house, as in the eyes of the resident dog. And they even saw a bed that was made for Queen Victoria.
Once we left the insides of the castle, the rain had disappeared, so the girlies got a chance to go to the park, and run around the grounds…
 Then it was the run back down the hill to the car…. on slippery gravel…
 Which resulted in grazed knees and mummy cuddles…

It was a lovely day out as a family whilst on holiday, and a new experience for the girlies, seeing such a grand castle/house.

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