Piccolo at Pizza Express

Pizza Express

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Pizza Express is one of our families favourite restaurants to visit with our children; the Piccolo menu is great value at £6.95 for three courses and a bambinoccino, and as we know the kids will enjoy their food there we do go pretty regularly.  We love the location of the Pizza Express in New Brighton so when we were asked to head over and review their new Summer menu as part of the #PizzaExpressIceAge campaign we jumped at the chance.

The staff at New Brighton greeted us warmly when we arrived, the restaurant was quiet and we were able to choose our own table – the girls delighted in this (small things) and it seemed to take them around 5 minutes to choose!

Table chosen we all sat down and they sat about playing with the stickers and activity pack. Calls for why can’t we have hats (please bring them back Pizza Express) were satisfied by crayons and trying on glasses to read the menu. I think they look pretty cute.

Pizza Express

We enjoyed a side dish of green olives and garlic and I ordered their summer drink – Watermelon Chill.  Watermelon Chill is a refreshing sweet juice with a blend of watermelon, strawberry and fresh mint.  It is light and refreshing to drink.

Pizza Express

We ordered the dough balls for the three girls, and we had the mozarella and tomato salad plus a portion of larger dough balls.  Dough balls are a huge hit with all my three and they happily finished their own portion of 4 plus the majority of our portion too.

Pizza Express

The girls hadn’t long finished their dough balls when their pizzas arrived. From time to time they do go for the pasta option, and its nice to see that the Piccolo menu has been expanded to allow kids to add various different toppings to their pizzas – chicken, ham, pepperoni – but for now they are happy with plain cheese and tomato.

Pizza Express

We ordered the Chicken Caesar salad (an old favourite) and a Soho 65 (off the newer menu) and both were delicious.

Pizza Express

Pizza Express

The kids as ever were excited and spurred on to eat their food quickly at the prospect of the chocolate brownies or ice cream option. There is a healthier melon option but not one that is ever taken by my three.  These were followed by the bambinoccino!

Pizza Express

Pizza Express


I felt it was only fair of me to try one of the desserts (just for review purposes you understand) and the New York Style cheescake was amazing. Definitely going to be ordering that again when we are back.

Pizza Express

We had a fabulous meal and the girls thoroughly enjoyed the whole evening. If that wasn’t enough Pizza Express have joined up with Ice Age Collision and have activity sheets the kids can colour in during their meals. We actually visited on the first day of this promotion so the team hadn’t remembered to give them out,  but we have taken them home with us and the kids will be attempting to draw a picture of their ‘favourite character with a pizza’ to be in with a chance of winning a holiday to Hollywood, Ice Age toys, goody bags, Pizza Making Parties and much more…

NB: We were invited to Pizza Express in order to review the meal but all views and opinions are our own.

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9 thoughts on “Piccolo at Pizza Express”

  1. That desert looks amazing Karen and the girls all look so cute as usual, fab photos. You cant go wrong with Pizza Express can you? It is a firm Christie favourite you know to expect great food and service, and something for everyone x

  2. Pizza Express is one of my few failsafes for eating out with my unfeasibly picky daughter – for once somewhere she’ll scoff her food. We’re actually off to a screening of the new Ice Age movie tomorrow so have suggested lunch here after!

  3. Love a good pizza express meal and so great for the kids. The new menu and collab sounds good. As many things as possible to keep them occupied when waiting for food I say!! Looks delicious xx

  4. How have we never been to Pizza Express as a family ? The food looks delicious and the watermelon chill drink looks so refreshing. My daughter would be in her element here with the side order of olives as she loves them. I am definitely going to try them next time we head to New Brighton as a family x

  5. We take the boys once a month and we all love going there. The food is fab and there’s a really welcoming atmosphere. It’s a nice mix of feeling like you’re having a nice meal out but without it being too child-friendly that it’s chaos (yep, I’m talking about my nemesis, Frankie and Benny’s).


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