Santa’s Lapland Search for Santa Day | Mini Travellers

Santa's Lapland Search for Santa Day | Mini Travellers

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Search for Santa Day with Santa’s Lapland

Christmas treats for kids don’t get much better than going to Lapland and meeting the real Father Christmas – do they?  They don’t but you do need to think about a few things to get the best out of it!  So please do take some time to read my 20 Top Tips for Visiting Lapland! You can click on the photo below too!

20 Top Trips for Visiting Lapland, including Search for Santa Day

However if you are going to go and are heading there with Santa’s Lapland then here is what we got up to on our Search for Santa Day!

We set off on our coach Dancer at around 10.30. Given that it was actually Christmas Day for us, this slightly later departure was really welcomed as it gave us time to open presents and have breakfast before getting togged up and heading to the coach.

The artic circle centre which is your base for the day is only 25 minutes outside of Saariselka and with a couple of songs to sing you on your way, you’re there before you know it.

Before you get on the bus you’re asked a lot of times if you have you ‘Magic Ticket’ so there is no chance of forgetting them.  There is also a chat when you get to the Arctic Circle Centre when one parent is asked to get off the bus with the kids and another stays on the bus to find out some extra details about the visit to Santa and the practicalities involved. Don’t worry about this, that all becomes clear when you’re there.

There are two locations that Santa’s Lapland use for your Search for Santa Day, which are connected by a snowmobile ride. The arctic circle centre and the reindeer centre. This is new for this year as previously it was all in one place.  It’s had a few teething problems connecting the two but hopefully will all be fixed for next year.

Onboard a sleigh in search of Santa at Santa's Lapland

We were dropped off at the Reindeer Centre around 11 and told we needed to be at the Arctic Circle Centre for 12.50pm for our Husky Ride.  We were advised that there could sometimes be a queue for the connecting snowmobile at lunchtime so we decided to head straight over.  This was the right thing to do as people on our coach reported some quite long waits later in the day.  Given it was -32 this caused some distress!

Sledding at Santa's Lapland

So we arrived at the Arctic Circle Centre and after a couple of goes on the toboggan hill we decided to queue for our Snowmobile Santa Search.


With hindsight this wasn’t the right thing to do. It was a shortish queue and the elves were very good at trying to entertain the kids and keep them warm, but the temperature had dropped to -32 and two of mine just couldn’t get warm.   We should have gone off to warm up and come back later in the day but hindsight is a wonderful thing.

Elves at Santa's Lapland for Search for Santa Day

Top Tip: Don’t carry on if the kids are freezing. They will get colder on the snow ride and the magical moment won’t be quite what you’d envisaged!

Meeting Santa in the cabin, as part of Search for Santa Day at Santa's Lapland

It is however a beautiful cabin in the woods and it is of course the real Santa, who is kind and warm and gives the kids a lovely present. They will remember it forever even if one of them was crying as their feet were so cold!

Why not take a look at our video of the trip if you haven’t seen it yet!

After we came back from the Snowmobile Santa Search we spent some time warming up in the warming room along with lots of others. Drinking hot drinks and eating countless gingerbread biscuits!

Warming up at Santa's Lapland

It was then time for the Husky Sleigh Ride.


The Husky Sleigh Ride was one of my favourite parts of our Search for Santa Day. Granted it was cold but the dogs were so beautiful and the barking felt like they were chatting away to you. You can just about see the happiness in my daughter’s eyes after we got off the sleigh and she chatted to them about the little trip.

The included husky rode is around twenty minutes long, which was a perfect length as it was so cold, but it was stunning being pulled through the trees and I imagine that if you had warmer weather you’d definitely want to sign up for the longer husky ride on your Search for Santa Day if you had one!

Enjoying a husky ride at Santa's Lapland as part of Search for Santa Day
Beautiful husky dogs at Santa's Lapland


After our husky ride we took the opportunity to ave lunch and to warm up. The hut was so warm that we even took the opportunity to take off our thermal suits briefly and everyone declared it to be the best Spag Bol they had ever eaten. It was incredibly welcome as were the hot drinks.

After lunch we took the snowmobile back to the Reindeer Centre where we had started and by that time the lunchtime light had gone and we were met with this beautiful sight:

Enjoying lunch at Santa's Lapland
Search for Santa Day at Santa's Lapland


We didn’t make it to the reindeer show as the times didn’t align but we did enjoy the elf show in the elf igloo.  The elves made all the kids (and even some of the adults) giggle and the kids delighted in becoming members of the Secret Elf Squad and learning the Secret Elf Hand Signals!

The main message was all about the ‘man himself’ but my daughter delighted the audience when the kids were asked – So who is the mst important man at Christmas and she shouted Jesus! We can thank school for her impressive religious dedication, even when in Lapland.

Reindeer show at Santa's Lapland


Whilst everyone else took the opportunity for another trip to the warming room and some more gingerbread biscuits Izzy and I went on a reindeer sleigh ride through the woods. It was dark but we took the opportunity to snuggle up and pretend that we were on a sleigh like Father Christmas himself.

Reindeer sleigh ride at Santa's Lapland

Reindeer ride at Santa's Lapland for Search for Santa Day

At around 3pm we decided to head back to the coach and journey back to Saariselka for our gala dinner later that evening.  It had been a freezing but fascinating day at the artic circle and certainly a Christmas Day to remember for us all.

Enjoying Search for Santa Day at Santa's Lapland

You can journey to magical Lapland for a once in a lifetime chance to meet Father Christmas from £929 per adult, reduced rates for children available. Price includes three nights atSaariselkä Inn with flights and transfers, departing in December 2018 from a choice of UK airports.

This magical deal also includes all activities such as a private meeting with Santa, Elves and Igloo Fantasia and husky and reindeer sleigh-rides. Santa’s Lapland staff will also provide the whole family with thermal clothing so they’re fully equipped for the enchanting adventures that lie ahead! For more information please visit or call 01483 791 915.

NB: We travelled to Santa’s Lapland and enjoyed Search for Santa Day as their guests but all views and opinions are our own.

Santa's Lapland Search for Santa Day - Find out what happened when we visited Santa's Lapland at Mini Travellers #lapland #Christmas

I hope you enjoyed my walk through our Search for Santa Day at Santa’s Lapland! If you’d like to find out more about our trip, here’s the post on our Santa’s Lapland adventure.

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