Sifnos – Perfect Greek Island Holiday for the Whole Family

Sifnos - Perfect Greek Island Holiday for the Whole Family

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Sifnos – enjoy a perfect island holiday for the whole family

Located in the sunny Cyclades, the island of Sifnos offers fantastic Mediterranean vistas, fascinating archeological remains and plenty of healthy and delicious Greek food. It is also a family friendly destination to boot, with sunny beaches and fascinating ruins to explore. Sifnos is truly a paradise location for a Greek islands holiday.

Sifnos has an impressively long history to discover

Kastro, the old capital of Sifnos, is amazingly rich in history. It contains the acropolis of Agios Andreas, the only ancient marble wall left standing in the Cyclades, ancient temples and towers, and many other fascinating sites to discover. Kastro has a truly impressive past: it was already mentioned in the writings of the “father of history”, Herodotos, and it can still be explored today. In a country full of history, Kastro stands out as one of the highlights.

Discovering these ruins and monuments is a perfect activity for the whole family, provided your children are old enough for hiking and exploring. Visiting historical sites like Kastro can really fire up the imagination of a child and open a whole new perspective on the world – a journey to Sifno’s ancient heart can be a fun as well as an educational experience.

Enjoy the beauty of the Mediterranean on Sifnos’ beaches and amazing nature paths

When you’re feeling templed out, it’s time to hit the beach. Sifnos excels in this department as well, with a range of different beaches to suit your preferences. The main strips are the busy but pristine beaches of Kamares and Platy Gialos, both of which have earned the EU Blue Flag certifying their high quality and safety. Your family can enjoy the sun, sand and blue waters without a single worry! There are also many other, quieter beaches to be found around the island.

Many of the beaches are also starting points for nature trails and hikes – if you are looking for an active holiday, Sifnos has got you covered. There is an ancient network of footpaths criss-crossing the island, with a combined length of an amazing 200 kilometres. While hiking these footpaths, you will discover dozens of picturesque churches, villages and ancient ruins. Children will delight in running around the well-preserved nature, and travellers of all ages with an interest in history have more than enough to keep them fascinated.

Sifnos - Perfect Greek Island Holiday for the Whole Family

The amazing food and luxury accommodation will make it hard to leave Sifnos!

To top off all the amazing history and nature, there accommodation options at Sifnos are top notch. Sifnos luxury hotels such as Verina Astra –  a group of villas containing an infinity pool and private gardens – will make you feel like you’re in another world of beauty and luxury!

As for the food, Sifnos has a rich and unique cuisine with many dishes originating from ancient times. Traditionally, meals are served in long, communal tables reminiscent of the early Christian communities’ “Agape” or Love feasts. Tavernas and “mezedopoleias” serve small plates of delicious food, and a healthy Mediterranean meal is easy to find wherever you are on the island. There are also many traditional sweet treats to try, such as the honey and sesame toffee, “pasteli”, and honeyed filo pastry rolls, “bourekakia”. These will delight children and adults alike after a wholesome meal.

Many people who come to the island find they don’t want to leave and end up returning year after year – it’s easy to understand why! With so much to offer for the whole family, Sifnos is the perfect Greek family holiday destination.

NB: This is a collaborative post

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