Skiing is NOT just for Daddies

Skiing with Mark Warner

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Full review of our fabulous week in Tignes with Mark Warner to follow, but here is a little video of some of the amazing things we got up to!  We hoped Skiing was not just for Daddies, but here is our family proving it is for everyone!


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27 thoughts on “Skiing is NOT just for Daddies”

  1. That is fantastic! What an awesome holiday and you must be so proud of your budding skier – she is amazing. Looking forward to reading more about your holiday x

  2. Looks like you had such a fab time Karen and it is so beautiful there. Wow I can’t believe her flying down the slopes like that! Fantastic and so brave! xxx

  3. Simply amazing! I can’t imagine how proud you must be. Bet the little one’s will continuously pester you to take them skiing again now! I hope you have a dry slope near you so they can practice until next time. Really can’t wait to read your full post. Thanks for linking to #traveltales

  4. Such a cute video, my boyfriend and I love skiing, we’ve been a couple of times now and I’m slowly getting braver, wish I’d have had the chance as a kid, your little ones look so confident!
    Rach x


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