How to Tell the Kids they are Visiting Santa in Lapland – Printable Lapland Boarding Pass – Lapland Reveal

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How would you tell the kids you were going to Santa’s Lapland? This is how we did our Lapland Reveal!

This Christmas we booked in a trip to Santa’s Lapland in February! We decided before we agreed it all that we weren’t going to tell them in February, as that’s a long time to wait when you’re 39 never mind when you’re 6 and 7, so we decided to wait until December to do our Lapland Reveal.

Why not PIN this FREE Printable Lapland Boarding Pass

 free printable Lapland Boarding Pass

Closer to the time we started to wonder how we should do it. It’s all part of the magic right! We talked about just waking them up and telling them we were going, but as we will have to leave the house at 3am that didn’t seem kind really. I also felt like they might lose a little of the magic if they were overwhelmed with tiredness!

Elves on a Christmas tree

So we decided to let the elves do our Lapland reveal, and tell them a story over the first couple of weeks of Christmas, ending with a letter and some very special boarding passes!

You can take a look at our ‘Lapland Reveal’ in the video below and if you would like to use our printable Lapland Boarding Pass for your own very special visit to Santa’s Lapland then you can download those below! Simply click on the picture of the Elf Airlines – Special Boarding Pass!

Download your free printable Lapland Boarding Pass

Free Printable Lapland Boarding Pass

 Why not PIN this free printable Lapland Boarding Pass

 free printable Lapland Boarding Pass
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6 thoughts on “How to Tell the Kids they are Visiting Santa in Lapland – Printable Lapland Boarding Pass – Lapland Reveal”

  1. Thank you so much for your blog on this! I’ve sat here watching the video of your girls and your big revel! It definitely made me well up! We booked Lapland through Santa’s Lapland last August for travel this December for our three boys!! They have no idea just yet that we are going!
    I’ve made a list of your top 20 tips and am now buzzing with excitement! So very useful – thank you! x

    • Thank you so much for getting in touch and sharing this, it;s so lovely to see messages like this, they really make my day. You’ll have an amazing time.

  2. I’ve been looking for a way to reveal Lapland and even though I decided on something similar, your video has made me well up too as well as feel really excited about our impending trip 🙂


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