A Fun Busy Lunch at TGI Fridays

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On Valentine’s Day we went out for a meal, not a romantic meal as a couple but for a fun busy lunch at TGI Fridays as a family.

We had booked a table for the 5 of us and we’re delighted to arrive and find balloons on the table for the girls. Not just straight up balloons on a string but balloon animals of three different types.

TGI Fridays

The first thing I noticed was that by 12.15 on a Sunday the restaurant was getting full already and it had only opened 15 minutes before. The staff were chatty, kind to the girls and informative about what was available.

Drinks were brought quickly as were kids packs including crayons and puzzles and we set about debating what to eat. It had been a long time since I had been to TGI Fridays and I only really recalled ribs, chicken wings and steak. The menu did in fact have a lot more variety than that including hot dogs, burgers, fajitas, pasta etc.

TGI Fridays

The kids menu was really good value at £3.99 for little ones and £4.99 for bigger ones, and mine chose pizza and hot dogs. The pizza for some reason wasn’t very popular, I can’t explain why as it tasted fine to me, but my younger ones didn’t seem to like the mozzarella on top. The hot dog and waffles went down well though.

I ordered the chicken tostadas and Matt a Jack Daniels burger. We also ordered a portion of chicken wings (just for review purpose you understand). My meal didn’t look as exciting as I had hoped but I really enjoyed it. I was however a little envious of Matt’s burger which was enormous!

TGI Fridays

TGI Fridays

TGI Fridays

Part of the Half Term special (13-21 February 2016) was a competition and the kids were challenged to name ten famous bears – such as Paddington, Rupert or Yogi. This is actually a lot harder than it sounds – we were stumped after about 6.   Try it. It really is quite difficult. Lily kept telling us to check ‘Google’ but that obviously isn’t really in the spirit of things.  If you guess ten names correctly you win a free Fairground Sundae (pictured) as a prize.  The Fairground Sundae is huge and includes candy floss, mini donuts and popcorn. All five of us easily shared 3 and we didn’t manage to finish them!

TGI Fridays

Overall we all enjoyed our meals at TGI Fridays. They were quite large substantial meals for lunch (and I am still full as I type up this review at 8pm) but you definitely get good value for money.

What stood out for me however was the customer service. Andreas was a fantastic waiter at the Cheshire Oaks branch and the rest of the team were smiley, helpful and quick to respond. As we left the restaurant at 2 it was completely full! That has to be a sign of a successful and well liked restaurant.

Andreas asked the girls if they would come back another time and they replied ‘yes definitely if Mummy will bring us’.  The free dessert makes this a good offer for half term, particularly given the low cost of the kids meals.

TGI Fridays

NB: We received our meal at TGI Fridays in order for us to visit and write this review.

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4 thoughts on “A Fun Busy Lunch at TGI Fridays”

  1. I love going to a place which caters for Children, lets face it if the kids are happy then so are us parents. My girls would be delighted with balloons at the table. It is not somewhere I would even think to go for food to be honest but it does look delicious! x

  2. Steve and I used to visit TGI Fridays a lot when we were dating……that seems like sooo long ago! I used to love the fajitas and Steve would enjoy the Jack Daniels chicken wings (I think?)

    I’ve never taken my own children and we haven’t revisited now we’re a family. I’m not really sure why? Love the free dessert idea though 😀


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