10 reasons to visit the Elf Adventure at the Ice Cream Farm

The Elf Adventure Challenge at Cheshire Ice Cream Farm www.minitravellers.co.uk

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10 reasons to visit the Elf Adventure at the Ice Cream Farm

  1. It’s an excellent alternative to a Santa visit for younger ones.

For those who are still working the whole Santa thing out and may still be a little wary of the Big Jolly Man in the bright red coat, this gives a lovely festive approach with absolutely no appearance from Santa at all!

The Elf Adventure Challenge at Cheshire Ice Cream Farm www.minitravellers.co.uk

  1. It lasts longer than 5 mins!

Sometimes the pressure of packing the whole Santa experience into 5 mins is a little too much.  This experience, although a little more expensive, is around 50mins entertainment so it provides much better value for money – everyone gets a book at the end too!

  1. It involves the whole family!

There is no hanging back, looking on and taking photos here…everyone is fully expected to participate here and there are several family challenges to get involved in…watch out for the competitive families when those snowballs start to fly!

10 reasons to visit the Elf Adventure at the Ice Cream Farm

  1. It gets you in the Festive Mood!

After being immersed in training to become an ‘Honorary Elf’ and all things Christmasy for the best part of an hour, it’s hard to come out of there and not feel in the mood for Christmas.  You will be singing the Elf Song for weeks without realising!

  1. It’s ‘hands on’.

For those little ones who struggle to wait in line to see Santa or to sit still at a Panto, this is just what’s needed.  The children are fully engaged and active for the whole experience and there is plenty of space too!

  1. A gift and a Photo Opportunity

All the children leave with a book, a certificate and a chance to have a photo with the Elves.  They did really well to make this special for each little one and there wasn’t a feeling of being rushed – Perfect!

10 reasons to visit the Elf Adventure at the Ice Cream Farm

  1. It’s at an Ice Cream Farm!

Yes I know its Winter and I know it’s cold but when there are so many flavours on offer it is impossible to resist!  I can recommend the Turkish delight!

  1. There is loads to do…

If you haven’t visited before, there is an awful lot to do.  An excellent park (free) and for a small extra cost there is mini golf, water play and a soft play too.  These all cost a small additional fee but there is an offer on at the moment…

  1. The VIP Passes are on sale…

This significantly reduces the cost of all the activities and it doesn’t have an expiry date.  Well worth the initial cost for lots of savings later on.

  1. Did I mention there was Ice Cream..?

10 reasons to visit the Elf Adventure at the Ice Cream Farm













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