Tips for Disneyland Paris (Accommodation)

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Yesterday I asked a group of people, whose opinions I love, for their tips on what accommodation to book to go to Disneyland Paris.  Mr MT doesn’t think the girls are old enough to appreciate it yet so not sure we will go this year (we know he’s wrong) but thought I’d share the tips I received, if only so I can refer back to this when we do go.

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Recommend the Paxton Resort and Spa only 10 mins away. Driving is super easy! done it lots of times. If you get the first crossing in the morning you can be in the park by about 11am. We used Tesco points to pay for tunnel and because of time difference you travel back in time on way home which is helpful. We normally stay in a Travelodge in Kent on the way to maximise time in park as we get the first available crossing the channel


We found it cheaper to book separately with Disneyland using money off deals and then flights. Flights from Leeds/Bradford are only £60 return. You can stay off site – although we find staying on site adds to the experience, plus it worked out cheaper for us as you get park tickets as part of the deal.


We went March and flew and got the coach from airport to hotel. Stayed in the Golden Forest rooms at Sequoia Lodge doing it again in Feb


We went in March this year did lots of research I.e sun-wed is the quietest time to go. Monday quietest day in the park. Princess Lunch is amazing and worth it (even tight hubby agreed). Sunday is the parade of the stars in Disney hotel you get to see 5 characters and get autographs at 4pm. Mickey Mouse cafe is great to do on your last day for lunch you get 5 characters over 1.5hrs. Don’t stay in Sante Fe it’s awful also stayed in Cheyenne and Disney hotel (which is amazing). Ps we did Eurostar and booked that direct saving £300 and then the hotel through Disney getting 30% off. We had a 2yr old and 5 year old.

Do the princess lunch get there 11.30 if you booked 12pm lunch sitting and ask quietly for a table by the fireplace (that’s where they do the dancing). We sat in from of the window with the Cinderella coach. Always wait for the parade on an outside curve as it’s better for picture taking and the kiddies to see. Near Main Street station is good. I was a complete saddo in my research but it was fab and totally paid off.

The stair procession is good on the Sunday. I preferred breakfast in California grill as it’s less canteen like and the characters outside were always an added bonus.


Avoid the cheapest santa fe- its grim, the bonus of staying at a Disney hotel is that you access the park for two hours before the public. Not every ride is open but we took full advantage of it and did loads in those two hours. It’s worth booking a character meal too. Half board is good, eating in the evening is very expensive


Avoid Davy Crockett. They were doing loads of building work beside it when we were there in April and rumour had it the whole place was being redeveloped and a soft play added. It needs it. It’s nice enough but you soon realise it’s not getting the same deal as the properly onsite hotels in the way of characters and experience. We looked at doing it again and had decided on the New York hotel for next time. Tbh, the money I paid for Crockett, food, car hire, petrol I could have had the DL hotel with change – bitter much?! I’d always go for a DL hotel personally for the extras – magic hours being one. My other tip was book the inventions meal for 9pm and time your day to keep the kids up. You can see the dreams magic show from the windows and Freya stood and danced to it with Pinoccchio which was magical. We discovered this by accident though and energy was definitely flagging/tears were on their way! Best to go totally midweek if you can too – we had no longer than a 10 min wait for anything and then it hit Saturday. The increase in traffic is phenomenal. Get in at 8am, hit the popular rides and then go round the park anticlockwise is another good tip!


We went last month and stayed 3 nights at the Disneyland hotel. It was fab! I was a bit sceptical about paying so much much but I’m glad we did and would 100% stay there again. It’s the nearest you can get to the main entrance. It was great with 2 young children as it meant we could pop back to the hotel easily. We let them have a sleep between around 2-4pm, which avoided the heat and the crowds, and meant the kids could stay up late for the fireworks. I think if we had stayed at any of the other hotels it would have been more awkward to pop back. It’s not my idea of a true 5 star hotel (rooms could do with updating) but it was great. We got a package which included all tickets and “free” half board. You get premium half board at the Disneyland hotel which means you can eat at Inventions and Auberge (the princess one) at no extra cost. These restaurants are expensive if not included. You need to book the restaurants before, or as soon as you arrive. I would go to these restaurants rather than cafe mickey (we weren’t impressed with that one). You also get one free ride fastpass per day at the Disneyland hotel (basically you can jump to the front of the queue – saved us a 2 hour queue at the ratatouille ride!). I think suites get you Fastpass all day (we found one per day enough, as you can’t use it on all rides anyway). If you stay at a Disney park hotel, you get to go into the park 2 hours early – a great way of missing the queues.

You get a “special fastpass” at the Disneyland hotel. This is in addition to the normal fastpass (the one where you go to the machine and get a timed entry). With the hotel one, you don’t have to go to a machine or get a certain time. You can go whenever you please. This was good when, for instance, they stopped issuing normal fastpass tickets for the Ratatouille ride because it was so busy!


We stayed at the Disneyland Hotel about 18mths ago when we went with hubby’s kids, it is expensive, but I’d say well worth it for location etc. We were talking about going back the other day and taking the LO and we’d defo go back the Disneyland Hotel, although I don’t think I’d eat there if I can help it – the food is extortionate and the service wasn’t that great – my biggest bugbear if you are paying top prices!





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