Travel by Inspire | Trips to Inspire you to Travel

Monday Escapes

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During my time running Monday Escapes there were some fantastic people who linked up some rather amazing posts about some amazing places. In order for me to find them again and to hopefully provide you with some inspiration I’ve set out below all their amazing posts.

So why not Travel by Inspire!  Find some trips that inspire you to travel.


Table of Contents

Lisa said: “Like Nicky, I have recently visited the SS Great Britain with my family and can also vouch that it is a brilliant family friendly attraction. (Also like Nicky, I climbed the rigging and attempted to walk across the yard arm… its not for the faint hearted. My legs shake just thinking about it! Fantastic birds eye views over Bristol though!)

Monday Escapes

Sarah also loved Mama Travels Earth‘s Top 10 things to do in and around Stamford with kids. She said: “Angharad’s post about exploring Stamford made me realise that there is so much more to see if our beautiful country. We just need to get out there and find it.”

Mama Travels Earth

Claire also said “It was so interesting reading about the eerily beautiful village of Imber which was taken over for military training in the 1940s. Keri from Ladies What Travel tells the story of this place well.”

Imber-village-Ladies what Travel

This post by Travelling with our Kids made me really want to explore this part of Scotland this summer.


Lisa also enjoyed this post about what two do in 48 hours in Edinburgh by Side Street Style. Lisa said: “Laura’s has published a brilliant guide to Edinburgh with kids, including a vlog on travelling for the first time on a sleeper train. She has completely convinced me to visit the city again soon, this time with my kids in tow!”

Side Street Style

Claire enjoyed reading this post by Suzi from Raising Badgers about returning to a place she used to holiday as a kid with her own family. Claire said “I also used to spend a lot of my holidays in the Yorkshire Dales so this brought back a lot of great memories.”

yorkshire-dales-delight, Raising Badgers

Karen also LOVED the stunning photos in Kerri’Anne from Life As Our Little Family’s review of her wigwam glamping trip at May Half Term.

Lisa said:My kids are desperate for a dog and the main thing that puts me off is the logistics of what we would do with it when travelling so I found this post very enlightening! You clearly can still travel with a pooch.

I loved this post by Ladies What Travel about their stay at Poets House, Ely. And the image of the bath made her want to curl up in it.
Monday Escapes

And lastly I was invited to visit Camp Wilderness but could’t go so I was delighted to see what fun was had that day by the lovely Kippers and Curtains Family.
Monday Escapes


Here are Sarah and Karen’s favourite posts from the last link up:

Vaucluse Dreamer Citrus Festival

Sarah said: “Vaucluse Deamer‘s post about the Fete Du Citron festival blew my mind the skill involved and the sheer beauty of the floats makes it a must to add to the travel wish list. You really need to click this link and study the images they are breathtaking.”

Sarah also adored Ruth’s post about Vajdahunyad Castle in Budapest, not only is her photography breathtaking but the castle looks the place of dreams.
Monday Escapes

Sarah said: “Caity from The Pamplemousse Papers‘ tour of Bergen took on many modes of transport to ensure she saw the best of the Fjords and has left me thinking if you are going to do the Fjords then this is the perfect way to see everything.”

Claire said “This hideaway discovered by Keri from Ladies What Travel sounds like the perfect place to unwind in the mountains. I’d love a pot of tea on the balcony with views of Olympus”


Lisa loved this road trip guide to La Mancha by Memories of the Pacific. She said: “Cristina is 50% Manchego and visits the region every year. She shares her top tips for the best places to visit and eat. Her photos are superb and will make you want to join her on a road trip!”.

Memories of the Pacific

And she also said “I’m a bit biased because I went on this trip with Catherine but I loved all the extra details she’s added into this post about our day in Sant Cugat. I’ve learnt a lot more about the wonderful places we explored.”


Lisa loved this honest post by the Gilberts at Learning Brave who took their kids on a sightseeing drive to the Austrian Alps. An experience neither of them will ever forget I’m sure!

And Dan and Linda’s guide to day trips from Paris. “Surely a a trip to the city of love followed by a trip to the coast or countryside is a winning combo?”


I loved Your Dutch Guides post about LEEUWARDEN I’d never heard of this place at all but the combination of Beer, cheese, seals, and a prison you can eat in, makes this place sound like such fun.

Capital of culture LEEUWARDEN

Karen loved this post about Visiting the Merlet Animal Park from Picolo Explorer. You just have to go over and look at the pictures of the goats.

Piccolo Explorer

I thought: This post shows just how beautiful and idyllic this part of Spain is. I loved Heidi as a child and quite fancy showing the movie version to the girls this weekend and then taking them to see the villages. Getting Lost in the Spanish Mountains.

Sarah said she adored this post from Sharon at Exploring Our World. We all love a castle don’t we? And Sharon has gathered and awe inspiring collection in her post.

Exploring Our World

Claire said: This was hilarious to read and the videos also made me chuckle. A great reminder by the Gilbert family that travel doesn’t have to be serious. In fact, the crazier the better for making memories!

Monday Escapes

Claire said: I love being introduced to new ways to holiday and Catherine’s post from Cultural Wednesday about her stay in a Landmark Trust property in the middle of Rome sounds wonderful. The history of the place is incredible and thankfully it’s being preserved.

Claire also enjoyed reading this comprehensive city guide to Ronda, Spain – 5 Reasons to Visit Ronda, Spain. The guide, written by the Topsy Turvy Tribe, features all the best historical and child friendly places to visit in the city.

Monday Escapes

Clare also loved this guide to Lake Garda by Travelling with our Kids. I visited nearby Lake Maggiore in the summer and reading this post made me want to return to the region to explore further afield. Just look at this view from their flight on the way over…

Monday Escapes…/austria-kids-5-things-innsb…/ Sima shares some great tips for places to visit in Austria and her photographs are spectacular


Sarah says: Angharads post from Mamma Travels Earth about visiting Heritage Le Telfair Mauritius made me want to book, this is my kind of holiday and the pictures had me longing for a deserted beach.


Travelynn Family

Karen said: “This post from Travelynn Family caught the eye of both Sarah and Karen, it’s an exceptional post about a truly exceptional trip. I’ve trekked some of this area before and is truly inspired at the children’s ability to walk the difficult terrain – and keep going!”

Monday Escapes Cindy shares her top recommendations for places to visit with kids in Bali including the Bali Turtle Sanctuary to release baby sea turtles back into the wild and a visit to the Ubud Monkey Forest to hand feed the monkeys!

Lisa loved this post – An Indian Adventure – by Danielle from Severn Bites. As a professional bread maker Danielle travels around the world seeking inspiration for her cooking. Her holiday in Kerala, India, looks incredible and makes me want to return for I barely scratched the surface of what the area offers during my one day cruise ship visit!

Monday Escapes

I thought: This post from LadiesWhatTravel made my heart jump into my mouth looking at all the people on the skybridge. Could you do it? Don’t Miss These 7 Things to See and Do in Langkawi!



Sarah just loved the Creative Travel Guide guest poster Natalie’s honest account of volunteer teaching in Fiji, the people sound like the warmest wonderful people, this post is truly inspirational.

Monday Escapes

This post by Dawn who writes 5 Lost Together is brilliant for anyone planning a similar trip to Uluru. I’d heard that Uluru was far out and that probably would have put me off, but this has made me think again!

Monday Escapes

Africa…/south-africa-travels-th…/ Clara’s post gave me serious trip envy. I loved the idea of having a day off mum duties to go on a wine tour in South Africa.

Lisa also loved this post by Wandermust Family featuring the couples pre pregnancy and pre parenthood travel bucket list. The gorilla trekking in Uganda and Rwanda sounds pretty epic and we can’t wait to do that later this year!

Monday Escapes


Sarah said: I loved Caity’s post – Travel Expectations vs. Reality Through the Lens of Lake Atitlán which I felt was an honest encounter of how you should manage expectations on a trip. We have all had those disappointing moments haven’t we?

Monday Escapes…/why-we-dont…/ Allison shares her four reasons why her and her husband do not wait to take their young children to Disney. I read the post with great interest as it is a subject my husband and I have debated lots over the last year.

Claire particularly enjoys reading articles that make her think differently about a destination that she believes she already knows. She selected this post by Smart Mouse Travel as it made her want to go back to Las Vegas with her kids – Las Vegas with Kids, No Really!

Monday Escapes

Sarah said that if street art is your thing Bryna from Dotted Line Travels’ post on street art in Montreal is awe inspiring. She said she could spend all day looking at street art. There is something so raw but so beautiful about it.

Becoming A Traveling Family

Karen said: “Allison from Becoming a Traveling Family‘s posts are always inspiring with beautiful photos. Her post about San Diego on a budget made me remember fondly a trip there pre-kids and in particular the noise of the seals.”

Claire says: This post about Xel-Ha in Mexico was a very welcome blast from the past for me. I visited this natural lagoon and adventure park about 15 years ago. It’s great to see it’s still going strong and Jo’s post from Where Jo Goes has given me an itch to return.

I loved this guide to a long weekend in Montreal by Caity at Pamplemousse Papers. She visited during the city’s 375th birthday celebrations and shares stunning photos of some of the lesser known sights. How pretty is this photo…

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