Travel Tips: Slumbersac Travel Wrap Review 

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Baby. Check. Changing bag. Check. Food for baby. Check. Blanket. Check. Hat for baby in this freezing weather. Fail. Epic fail if I forget both blanket and hat.   There is so much baby cr@p (sometimes in the most literal sense!) to remember as a Mummy or Daddy, it is no wonder that you forget something. For me, it is usually a woolly hat (for the baby!). Now though, as the proud owner of a Slumbersac Travel Wrap, the forgotten head gear is a thing of the distant past.

I am in love. Not just with my husband (puke), my little girl and my two Labradors (aww) but now with my new travel wrap. It is absolutely fabulous. It is so easy to use, looks cute and provides warmth and cosiness for your little bundle. The wrap comes in four uber cool designs – princess, pirate, bear and owl – and can even be personalised with a child’s name in the embroidery colour of your choice. So, it can be a great idea for a present. Tabitha is the lucky owner of an owl mint green blanket and looks adorable in it (ok, so I may be a little biased), even if we do have a bit of a colour clash going on with her buggy!!

The travel wrap can be used in the car seat, buggy or in the cot. We have used it in the first two but, personally, I would be slightly nervous about a baby overheating if it was used in a cot (the Slumbersac does place a warning about overheating on the product’s packaging). The wrap is so easy to use: it has velcro fastenings and you just pop your baby’s feet into the cuddly cotton interior and then velcro the wrap around or under their arms, depending on your intended usage. Hey presto, one snuggly baby, all ready for the outside air. The hood can also be used to keep the biting wind out. Yey – no need to remember a hat!!

I have mentioned previously that Tabitha hates getting dressed (this is the understatement of the century: she screams the house down!) and especially dislikes putting her arms into clothing so the Slumbersac wrap worked a treat for us. Feet popped in and blanket wrapped below her arms with no fuss. It makes for a much more pleasant outing if you don’t begin the journey with a screaming child! Also, because of the way the travel wrap is designed to fit under a baby’s arms and the legs are in a starfish shape, it works wonderfully in a car seat from a safety perspective too. No bulky padding of a snowsuit or a puffy coat. We loved Tabitha’s so much, we even went to play on the swings in it. Maybe they should add that to their marketing advertisement: “ideal for use in a car seat, buggy, cot and at the play park”!!

Now, my mental checklist reads as follows: baby. Check. Changing bag. Check. Food for baby. Check. Slumbersac travel wrap. Check. And all for the bargainous price of £14.99 (unpersonalised). What is not to love?! I am just dreading Tabitha growing out of hers because, at the moment, the wrap only comes in one size (up to 9kg) L   Otherwise, well done Slumbersac. You have made my life that little bit easier.

NB: Fiona received the Slumbersac Travel Wrap in order to review it but all her views are her own.


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