World Museum, Liverpool

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On a very wet and windy day in January I couldn’t decide what to do with Izzy and Eve whilst Lily was at school. I want to try and go places with them for the next few months whilst I’m off and they aren’t at school but when you’re trying not to spend a fortune too, options in Winter can be tricky.

So we decided to head off to the World Museum in Liverpool. It’s somewhere we have been loads of times before but it’s free, we can get there on the train (part of the adventure) and you can easily spend a good few hours there.

We dropped Lily off at school, hopped on the train and got into Liverpool about 10.30am. The World Museum is only a five minute walk from Liverpool Lime Street. There are free lockers (you need a £1 to use them but you get it back) at the entrance to put all your coats and bags in so we unloaded all our heavy coats and extra layers and went in.

The first thing that struck me as we arrived was the number of school groups; obvious really when you think about it but I just wasn’t expecting it. Save for the school groups it was very quiet, so my game (to myself) was to avoid them and find the quieter spots.

The girls had been fairly recently without me, and took me on a tour of all their favourite things.

We started on the top floor near the planetarium. They wanted to book tickets to go back later and see the show but that started after we were going to have to leave to collect Lily from school. One for those of you without others to collect though. Check times of shows on the the website before your set off, or with the information desk when you arrive.

The other floors hold an aquarium ( I was sad to see the interactive area closed and reserved for school groups) a masks display (the find a face activity sheet was really really hard, one with the answers on would help), dinosaur exhibition, bug house and natural history centre to name a few.

We had a very early lunch in the picnic area on floor 4. I’m always a fan of a museum that puts aside an area for picnics as it really helps to keep the cost of a day out down.

What made our day though was finding another little boy in the  Clore Natural History Centre who clearly visited a lot. We spent a good hour in this area, playing with the microscopes, examining the skulls, playing charades with the cards which involved the kids describing animals on cards and me having to pretend not to guess too quickly.

From there they spent another half an hour or so playing in the bug house, making up games that included being attacked by the giant spider on the ceiling.

We finished the day following the dinosaur tour in the very small dinosaur section. It’s amazing how such a small activity can keep kids busy for such a long time. We had to give up and couldn’t find no7, but no8 was in the reception atrium which helped getting the kids out of the building.

Overall we were there for around 4 hours and had loads of fun. Highly recommended for pre-schoolers on a cold wet Winters day.

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2 thoughts on “World Museum, Liverpool”

  1. This sounds really fun – I haven’t come across this museum before but one for my list next time I’m in Liverpool. I love the way it sparked off their imagination! Shame part of it was only for school groups though.

  2. Thanks for the recommendation! I’m looking for places that I can get there and back with my littlest during the school day. I only really know places which are outdoors but need to broaden my horizons with the weather being so awful (snow this week, apparently).


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